I have experienced the stage in different capacities, and over the years the art I share continues to evolve. My current focus is speaking engagements. I want to give keynote addresses, I want to give guest lectures, I want to inspire people, I want to tell my story.
Break the cycle of poor finances with self-leadership
The only way to break free and take command of your finances is self-leadership. When you refuse to settle or accept the realities, you become a force unto yourself. This article will look at what you can do to step into your role as a self leader and turn your financial situation around.
Inspiring Leadership: Be Visible
Inspiring Leadership: Be Visible
Naturally, we tend to blend in so that we all become the same but what makes the team stronger are our unique abilities. What sets us apart and makes any organisation thrive are our differences rather than our similarities. So, what role does visibility play? If you blend in, you will become invisible because you will look like everyone else. You need to stand out and show your unique abilities.
Personal Finance Leadership: The Key To Healthy Finances
Exploring Leadership: Inspire & Encourage
A leader should be one that listens, explores the different ideas that team members bring, even the “crazy ones”. It’s recognising each person’s passions, abilities, qualifications, and experiences, and using them to advance the team agenda.
Rise Up!
The Science of Leadership
I recently completed a course on The Science of Leadership which studies the brain and its influences on leadership styles or personalities. I won’t bore you with the details. What stood out for me was the issue of resistance to change.