Games night – A plethora of lessons
We abandoned our first Scrabble game. On my part, I was using less tiles to get more points but that created a deadlock. A few days later, I was musing on this (as I always do with my random thoughts) and realised that it’s good to put in all you can to keep things going and finish the race (in this case, the game).
Career pivot: good or bad move?
Whether you want to go for a 180° pivot or pivot around a fixed point – just do it! You never know what your heart and mind will find on the other side.
Corporate & Me: Office Politics
I would like to hear from you what your experiences have been when it comes to office politics. What’s the worst and best that has happened to you in the midst of office politics? You can share your comments below or send an e-mail to
The plight of Young Professionals: My side hustle
A lot of Young Professionals have been “profession-hopping” and one of the causes is related to remuneration. (This is from my personal observations). They haven’t had a chance to stay focused on a single profession because of the need to supplement their employment or business income. What effect does this have on the future pool of professionals? Are we going to have adequately skilled professionals in the different industries or we will start importing some skills?
We need to safeguard our professions with the future in mind.
I gambled my way into a tax career
I rolled the dice even though I knew I might lose. But what if I won! I politely declined the interviews and kept my eyes on the prize. I had no experience in tax and it only made sense to get an accounting job. In that moment, I threw reason out of the window. As people say nowadays, “If I die, I die”. That was my stance.