My first decade in tax – lessons for each year.
AI: From a writer’s perspective
What impact has AI had on your creative process? In this blog, i briefly share my experiences and thoughts on using AI in the creative writing process.
An American Summer
Let me take you back to the summer of 2022.
Games night – A plethora of lessons
We abandoned our first Scrabble game. On my part, I was using less tiles to get more points but that created a deadlock. A few days later, I was musing on this (as I always do with my random thoughts) and realised that it’s good to put in all you can to keep things going and finish the race (in this case, the game).
6 Tips to help you get through your Mandela Washington Fellowship application
Answer the question. It seems like an obvious one, however, take note of two- or multi-pronged questions. Your 300-word (word count used for illustration purposes only) essay may be asking you to answer two questions. Keep that in mind and plan your essays accordingly.
Career pivot: good or bad move?
Whether you want to go for a 180° pivot or pivot around a fixed point – just do it! You never know what your heart and mind will find on the other side.
Mandela Washington Fellowship – Alumni Enrichment Institutes
The day the selection email came, I jumped on my bed with excitement. I couldn’t believe it and I wasn’t even expecting to receive the email when it came through. But before we go to America (screams with my inside voice), here are some things I’ve been doing as a Mandela Washington Fellowship (MWF) alumnus or Fellow.
The Stage
I have experienced the stage in different capacities, and over the years the art I share continues to evolve. My current focus is speaking engagements. I want to give keynote addresses, I want to give guest lectures, I want to inspire people, I want to tell my story.
Mandela Washington Fellowship: Leadership Institutes
Even though the focus is on using our strengths to succeed, a strength has a power and an edge. In simple terms, your strength can be your weakness if not managed well. Using your strength to its fullest capacity in order to derive maximum value for ourselves or those around us is harnessing its power. Whereas, mismanaging your talent is tapping into the edge of your strength. Achieving balance is key!
Becoming a Mandela Washington Fellow – Part II
Back to all things virtual. The Fellowship ran for 6 weeks in a virtual format. I was placed at Northwestern University for my Leadership Institute. I was well prepared to actively participate and I gave it my all. In the third week, we had a free week to catch up on required work and the like. However, in that same week I had a mental breakdown. I had a massive burn out with no warning whatsoever and it frustrated me.