Mandela Washington Fellowship: Leadership Institutes

Even though the focus is on using our strengths to succeed, a strength has a power and an edge. In simple terms, your strength can be your weakness if not managed well. Using your strength to its fullest capacity in order to derive maximum value for ourselves or those around us is harnessing its power. Whereas, mismanaging your talent is tapping into the edge of your strength. Achieving balance is key!

Becoming a Mandela Washington Fellow – Part II

Back to all things virtual. The Fellowship ran for 6 weeks in a virtual format. I was placed at Northwestern University for my Leadership Institute. I was well prepared to actively participate and I gave it my all. In the third week, we had a free week to catch up on required work and the like. However, in that same week I had a mental breakdown. I had a massive burn out with no warning whatsoever and it frustrated me.